We are about to go into a process that will help us practice gratitude and feel more abundant. We want you to gain the most from this experience so below are our recommendations on how to create the best environment for you, a safe space of a fuller self-perspective.

 Safe Space

Find the place/room from where you will experience the process. Make sure that you will be comfortable experiencing it without being worried that you will be overheard. Create a special atmosphere for yourself. This is a unique time. Let your space hold the energy for you.

You can achieve this by:

Creating a sacred space by setting up a small altar or as we call it in Points of You® a centerpiece. Use anything that resonates with you, flowers, leaves, stones, or personal items. In the centerpiece add a candle that you can light during our sessions to feel the energy of the tribe. Set up your centerpiece near where you will be sitting. Below is an example of the centerpiece

You may smudge the room in which you are sitting by burning white sage which clears the energy in the room, giving space for new things to come. 

Don’t forget to have something to drink, like your favorite tea, a good coffee or refreshing water.


When we are present magic happens.
It may sound obvious but we tend to forget about ourselves.
So here are a few tips from us on how to be present in the process: Clear your calendar, make sure you don’t have any meetings or other sessions before, during, or right after the course.

Give yourself the freedom to be fully present in the process.
During the experience, allow yourself to be in Airplane mode.
Switch off your phone, email programs, social media, and anything that can take you straight out from the experience.

Ground yourself, Before finding new opportunities take a short break from everything to change your frequency and energy.
Take a short 10-minute walk, sit outside in nature, do a meditation, so that you will feel that you are changing frequency. Eat before, go to the toilet, so that you are ready. Have fun creating your space and taking care of yourself.

That’s it. Easy, enjoy