Discover How to Contact with Potential Clients (P. 10)  

1. One by one – Contacting by phone/email/F2F an individual professional and reach out. This channel is also called “Bottom-up” because the professionals you connect with will expose you to their colleagues and to the relevant people on the corporate ladder.

2. Professional Schools; Academies, Associations, and Companies – Connecting with the right people in these organizations who can expose and recommend you to 100’s or 1000’s professionals (their existing trainers, members, students, and graduates).

This channel is called “Top-bottom”.

Map your marketing channels using these questions and more from p. 10 

• Which websites/portals exist for the relevant segment? 

What are the 20 leading schools, associations, academies…? Which big events and conferences are planned for this segment?

• Which Facebook fan pages and groups are relevant? LinkedIn?

Lets get practical

You can use the “How to market yourself” file below to map your preferred marketing channels. We also shared with you below L.1 promotional guide to support you through the marketing approaches and recommendations and to map all the Hello Points marketing materials.


How to Market Yourself


L1 How to Promote Guide


Marketing Material

Drive File