Soon we are starting, before let’s get to know each other better and start to observe ourselves

We are inviting you to take a small yet powerful questionnaire that you will find below. Download the pre work handout and fill it out before the workshop. It take only 10 to 15 minutes to fill out. However the more you invest in filling it out, will support your process during the workshop itself. So find some time,  grab something to drink, sit comfortably and answer the questionnaire. To the workshop itself bring only the answer to the 6th question.

Adittionally you will find the handout for the workshop itself below too, save it and bring it to the workshop too.

Oh! we almost forget, people tend to think better with flip-flops

so why not put them on:)







For the live workshop, make sure to have with you:

The Coaching Game



Layout Chart


Pen & Journal


We are opening our meeting room 30 minutes before the workshop,

come in earlier to check that everything is working for you, not to be rushing and stressed when joining in the last minute.
If you don’t have our tools yet, you are welcome to visit our online shop to purchase your copy.

In the Meantime, no worries!
we will have a solution for you during the workshop if you don’t have the tools.