Communication is a huge part of our life. Let’s explore it.

It’s diverse, gentle, and full of nuances. Sometimes we may feel a bit uncomfortable communicating with people and why is it that for some people we can’t get our message across and sometimes we have a feeling that we are not understood. So let’s look for a different point of view. 

The beauty of life is being in each precious moment, especially when interacting with different kinds of people. Be curious about the people around you and try to understand the positive intention behind each behaviour. To get ready we invite you to go through the following questions. See if you can identify people with these behaviours and also where do you see yourself;

⬤ Do you know someone who is assertive, to the point, and always wants the bottom line?

⬤ Do you have any colleagues/friends who are great communicators and friendly to everyone they meet?

⬤ Do you have any colleagues/ friends who are good listeners and great team players?

⬤ Have you ever worked with someone who enjoys gathering facts and details and is thorough in all activities? Write to yourself who is this person? How does it make you feel when you are interacting with them?

Additionally,  see below the workshop layout. We invite you to bring it with you to the live session to support your process:




For the live workshop, make sure to have with you:



Layout Chart

Pen & Journal

We are opening our meeting room 30 minutes before,

come in earlier to check that everything is working for you, not to be rushing and stressed when joining in the last minute.

We will be starting on time.
If you don’t have our tools yet, you are welcome to visit our online shop to purchase your copy.

In the Meantime, no worries!
we will have a solution for you during the workshop if you don’t have the tools.