Personal Integration

We are continuing our journey into the world of Points of You®.
We met The Coaching Game and did a self-survey of where we are at this moment.
Soon we’ll be continuing our journey but let’s take a short break.

Remember the photos we asked you to take at the beginning “What makes me feel joy?” Find them and look at them, go back to the many moments that you took that represent joy for you. From the photos that you took, choose three photos that will represent:

What made me feel joy in the past?

What makes me feel joy in the present?

What will make me feel joy in the future? 

From the three photos that you chose, create a small collage for yourself.
Display it somewhere that will be visible for you during our next session.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound clear, follow your intuition and enjoy.

Ohh and don’t forget to take a photo of what makes you feel joy today.