Pausing and Reflecting

Hi again. How are your wish action plans? Any items you want to do today?
Today it’s wish 3 from 5 and we continue to create self care habits. It’s ok if you feel you are not going anywhere, even if we don’t see it we are constantly changing.
Let’s start with our daily Pause.

An Opportunity To Shift

Shift it’s a process that happens from within. We start to shift when something is not working, not serving us anymore, It’s an intention inside of us. A small shift today can bring a big change tomorrow. Get inspired with the Shift story, quotes, questions, and pictures on Flow Book page 52, and define what is Shift for you today. 
What do I need to break to move on?
How can your wish today shift your life? 

Everything Is In Your Photos

Choose with which wish you plan to work today and open the 7 days of Making it Happen Handout.
 Place the cards from My Life’s Wishlist on the handout. Then look at the photos you took that represent me living to the fullest and choose which one from the 3 that’s left best represents this wish for you.
Look at all the images, and words and connect with them.
Use the card of today for more inspiration. Take your time and fill out the action plan for your wish, what limitations you need to let go of, what hard conversations will you need to make? The way may not always be easy and we may have to shift our plans and change, but it’s definitely worth it.
You are making your Potential come to life.