Pausing and Reflecting

Welcome back, we hope you had a good night and a great day. Today we take on another wish. Prepare your intention.
Before entering the Pause free yourself from expectations, no need to compare, just be open to what is coming.

About Comperison…

How do I feel when I am not comparing myself?

To come without comparison is to come clean with yourself. It’s to own yourself for who you are. Your potential is waiting for you and only you know what you need to do in order to live it.

What was happening in your mind when your fellow participants were sharing their wishes? Did you judge yourself?
Did you think it’s not enough or maybe it was the other way?
Why do you compare yourself?

Go to page 78 in the Flow book, it will give you more inspiration to define what is Comparison for you today.  

Everything Is In Your Photos

Choose with which wish you plan to work today and open the 7 days of Making it Happen Handout.
 Place the cards from My Life’s Wishlist on the handout. Then look at the photos you took that represent me living to the fullest and choose which one represents this wish for you. Look at all the images, and words and connect with them.
Use the card of today for more inspiration. It may feel repetitive but that’s how we create habits. Don’t compare to yesterday, start fresh today. Take your time and fill out the action plan for your wish, make it easy, fun, unexpected, but most of all make it yours. Enjoy it, express yourself, and make your Potential come to life.