Pausing and Reflecting

It’s going to be a beautiful day. Before we start, it’s time to go inside of us. Start with the Pause and card of the day and see the movement inside of you. Click the video to begin. After pausing you are invited to discover more about Flow theme and state of mind and explore how it resonate with your day. 

Let’s Explore Movement

Movement is the energy of creating. This is your time to stand up and take action on something you believe in. Wishes won’t come true from lying on the sofa. Go out, the world is waiting for you to explore it.

What is a movement for you?
Am I still or am I in movement?
When did I move for the last time?

Go to the Movement page in the Flow book (pg. 60), read the story, quotes, and questions, observe the photos and define what is movement for you today.

Everything Is In Your Photos

Today is our invitation for you to take the last photo that will represent;
How do l feel when I am living life to the fullest?
How will you represent your movement, your life in this photo?
Observe the card of the day, connect agin the Pause music, let it inspire you to take your daily photo.

You should have a total of 5 photos now. Same idea, different moments, and frames of your soul. Each one is unique and good.
Tomorrow we will start working with them.

Stay tuned and Enjoy.