Pausing and Reflecting

 Welcome to another new day full of possibilities and endless points of view. It’s always good to start with a tune-in to get into the right vibrations. Below is our proposition for you today, Pause, card, and question.
Click the video to begin the Pause. After pausing you are invited to learn more more about The Coaching Game series and see how it connects to your daily mood. 

The Just Be Series

Represents the being, the emotional, and the flowing nature of our lives. A card from this series allows us to look at and examine the gap between what we feel inside and the way in which we express our “beings” in the world around us. When we are present and aware of what is happening inside of us, we have the space to choose what we want to focus on and experience. Even if you are not feeling joy right now, try to find it in you, in a simple way. Breathe and just be.
Use the handout and enjoy your inner research. Continue to take your pictures of “What makes me feel joy today?” And see what the connection is for you.
Be present.