Pausing and Reflecting

It’s going to be a beautiful day. Start with the right tune-in for yourself. Below you will find the Pause for today with the card of the day. Click the video to begin the Pause. After pausing you are invited to discover more about The Coaching Game series and explore your joyful moment of the day. 

The Journey Series

 Represents the central issues in the path through life that we all make. The cards in this series have a special meaning and signify that a large and powerful process is taking place in our lives at this time. A card from the series allows us to delve deeply into the story of our lives.

As we start our journey we invite you to define what is a joy for you? Where do you see it on the card? What does joy feel, smell, and look like? This is your definition.
Use the handout from the introduction part and enjoy your inner research.
Don’t forget to take your picture of “What makes me feel joy today?” And see what the connection is for you.